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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Timothy McMahon
Ford Kate lit a candle
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Our thoughts and prayers to All of the McMahon Family. Faith and Family
Paul McMahon posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
So sorry for your loss. I had planned to get to McCormack's, but earlier today I tested positive to COVID-19.
Paul McMahon
Bob, Jeanne and Christopher Boos posted a condolence
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Sending prayers and sincerest condolences to Sheila and the entire McMahon family. Tim lived his faith in every part of his life and was a spiritual inspiration to all who knew him. RIP, Tim.
Andrea Chen posted a condolence
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Sheila, Sean, Kim, Michael, Seamus, Marie, Eileen, Theresa, Brenda, Chrissy, Joe, Anna, Jeremiah, Rosa, Kevin, Sharon, and all, I am so sorry for your loss. Tim was such an honorable man and a wonderful example of how to grow in holiness. Jay and I are so grateful to have known him and are having a Mass offered for the response of his soul. We will continue praying for the consolation of your family.
Jeremiah, I'm not able to reply to your post below, but wanted to tell you that after reading it, I am in tears. What a touching and loving tribute! I’m grateful to hear about the last years of his life, as we moved out of the area shortly after they did. Your parents were powerful inspirations to me and in my husband's conversion. I believe you were an altar boy at my husband's baptism and your parents were his sponsor. When I have thought about your father over the years, one memory stands out most strongly. There was a lot of turmoil in our local and national church. I was a young mom recently reverted, didn’t know how to process what was going on and had no one to turn to. I mentioned my confusion to your father. He looked at me over the top of his glasses, held out his arm in front of his face with his fingers curled in a circle and said, “Just keep your eyes on the goal. Jesus. The Blessed Sacrament.” God has brought that moment and his comment to mind dozens of times over the years. He was a wise man. (Andrea Chen)
Jeremiah McMahon uploaded photo(s)
Friday, December 15, 2023



Jeremiah McMahon uploaded photo(s)
Friday, December 15, 2023




+ 3
Warning: I did not mean for this message to be so long. My apologies for the terrible spelling and punctuation. I am not going to proof read or edit so take it for what it is.
here are few pictures of the later years. so many people have expressed thanks to me for what my family and I have done for dad over the past 3 years. What I tell them is I have been absolutly blessed to have had this time to spend with Dad. Though he could no longer give fishing and hunting lessons to his grandkids, or barely walk up the steps to come into our house, his hands could no longer guide a saw through a board, he could not hold a pistol steady to save his life, but what i would come to learn was the last greatest lesson he had to offer. What I saw during these years of physical decline was his greatest attribute, his most powerful, most impactful, in his weakness came out the most awesome strength and power that changed my life forever. His love. This man aquired and possessed and gave out freely the greatest love i have ever seen or experienced, or recieved. Before he left my father showed me what love is. Love for a spouse that is beyond what I ever new before, love for children that i had not yet learned, love for life that I can only describe as childlike. And the key to all this is was his love for Jesus. When i watched him go from great love in this world to his greatest love in the next, this was his final gift to me, the gift of being wittness to that transfomation, no transfiguration, and now that he has through his love defeated death, i can not feel any of the feeling i should be feeling at this time. No pain, no saddness, no emptiness, no regrets, no loss. He let me share in his love and now that is all i can feel. So when i am supposed to be grieving all i find myself able to do is rejoice. It has been confusing to me and over the past few days ive been trying to figure it out. This is very hard to explain but i needed to share. Sorry for me sloppy writing. I hope someone reads this and can experience some of the love I feel at this time during preperation for the Feast of Incarnation and can share this love whith another. It is only through this love for Jesus that we can all conquer sin, war, hatred, and even death itself. God Bless you all and Merry Christmas.
Ford Kate Posted Dec 19, 2023 at 7:05 PM
Jeremiah - well said! He would not want the grieving, but the Rejoicing! A life well lived and lessons only he could give. he can look down on all of you and witness his great earthy work! God Bless you, your mom, your siblings and your entire family. May he rest in peace.
Natalie McMahon uploaded photo(s)
Friday, December 15, 2023




+ 6
Thank you Dad. Thank you for your deep Faith and Love for God which inspired every moment of your life and guided you as a husband, Father, and Grandfather. Thank you for being there for us through everything- our wedding, new babies, struggles, and joys. You were always there. Thank you for the gift of spending the last 2.5 years in NJ next to us. I used to think God arranged it because you needed us…but now I see we needed you. Thank you for your example of walking the path to Heaven. Pray for us and we will always pray for you. ❤️ I promise to keep trying to make you laugh and I hope you don’t mind I stole your seat on the couch by the fire ❤️❤️ we miss you terribly . Rest in peace good and faithful servant.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Timothy McMahon
Friday, December 15, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at J A McCormack Sons Funeral Home Inc Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Timothy J. McMahon uploaded a photo
Friday, December 15, 2023

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