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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Joseph Gdovin
Doug Bertelmann posted a condolence
Friday, May 24, 2024
My remembrance of Pop delivered during his May 20, 2024, funeral service at St. Patrick's Church...
"Scripture tells us 'weeping may stay for the night, but joy will come in the morning.'
"It’s hard to believe that our heartache will end anytime soon. But right there in Psalm 30 is this promise: 'Weeping may stay for the night, but joy will come in the morning.'
"This is an example, I suppose, that some things we just have to take on faith.
"It’s strange what we think about when we’re grieving. Over the past few days, I have repeatedly recalled a phone call that I had with Joe more than 20 years ago.
"Back then, his phone calls could easily go on for more than an hour. He would have a lot to say, and we would cover a lot of ground.
"This was December 2002. Lyn and I had met in Oregon and had only been married for a couple of years, now living in North Carolina. And so, Joe and I were still getting to know each other, building our relationship through long distance calls.
"He called to let me know that I was missed. It was the week before Christmas. Lyn had come up to Binghamton early, and it would be a few days before I could join her here.
"Christmas Eve was especially meaningful to Joe. He would want you to know that December 24 was also his mother’s birthday, so meticulously preparing her fish dinner for everyone was not only a holiday celebration, but a way of honoring her and all those who had passed before us.
"Joe, Lyn, and Fran were preparing for a big gathering of family and friends, and Anita was coming up from the city. She was carrying their first grandchild, and Joe was so looking forward to being a grampa. Retirement was approaching fast, and he was just coming off what would be the first of many hunting trips to Wyoming with a large group of friends.
"It was an especially happy time for him.
"He told me about how he had just come back from a turkey hunt. I had never been hunting, so he patiently explained to me what it was like. Turkeys, you see, have incredible eyesight and can easily detect danger with as little movement as a hunter’s eye blinking. So you have to dress in camouflage and hide in a blind remaining as still as humanly possible, using a turkey call now and then to draw them into a clearing so you could take your shot. This could take hours, so as you wait your thoughts begin to fill the empty spaces of the landscape.
"It might be, he mused serenely, what heaven could be like.
"He thought of his role models, people like his father and his uncle Mike Sedor, who had taught him so much about living and responsibility.
"He thought of his sisters, Diane and Rita, and his brother and sister-in-law, John and Ann Marie, and the unique bonds he shared with each of them. He thought of their children ---his nephews and nieces--- and the fine people they were all becoming.
"He thought of his coworkers and how the roads and bridges that they built together stand as quiet monuments to their hard work ethics, their shared family values, and the fun that they managed to find amidst the stress, cold, and heat.
"He thought of becoming a grandfather, already imagining the joyful relationships that we would share with his grandson Thomas and granddaughter Victoria.
"He thought of his girls, Anita and Lyn, and all of the coded language that they had developed to instantly recall the memories of love and joy that they had collected together like shells on the beaches of Cape Cod.
"He thought of Fran and how their love, which started in high school and will endure forever, had triumphed over so many adversities.
"The call went on and on like that. In the most pleasant of ways, it felt as if its warmth and love might never end. But eventually it did, as all conversations do.
"But, that was okay. We would all be together again soon.
"And besides, there was a lot of work to be done to prepare the house. After all, Christmas Eve was coming. And, with it was His promise of the joy that will reunite us in the morning."
Lyn Bertelmann posted a condolence
Friday, May 24, 2024
My remembrance of Dad shared 20 May 2024 at St. Patrick's Church.
"Well…how do you follow that? Words written by the man we are celebrating today. I guess...it’s by writing a letter. I look out here and see him in all of you. I see a husband, a father, a grandfather, a brother, an uncle, and a friend. You see…that is the thing about my dad…he was a man of many facets. The most complex simple man I knew.
Proud. That’s a facet. Dad was a proud man. Proud of his work. Proud of his wife, his life, his girls. He loved to talk about bridges he built, deer he caught…but then he’d look at you and say, “you don’t catch deer.”
That’s because he was funny. That’s a different facet. He had a dry sense of humor. But when something tickled his funny bone, he would laugh and laugh. That sweet smile would broaden, and you just knew…it was a home run.
Which brings me to the Yanks. He was an avid baseball fan. To listen to him talk about them, you would think he was a majority owner. He always had the most creative theories as to why certain players weren’t playing the way he thought they should.
That’s because he was a little bit of a perfectionist. I might be understating the ‘little bit’ part. I’ll never forget the time we were enclosing the front porch at 925. I had plans to go camping with my friends. About 30 minutes before they were picking me up, he said, “No. This isn’t right. We’re off by…I don’t recall now…a quarter of an inch. Well, anyways, I didn’t leave with my friends. I stayed with Pop, took out the window, re-framed it and put it back in. Although I didn’t go camping right away, he humored me by listening to some good tunes, ordering a pizza, and cracking a cold beer afterwards.
You see…that’s another facet. He enjoyed breaking bread with his family and friends. Whether it was Christmas fish, or what he fondly called “snack-a-toriums”, every meal with Pop was feast! He loved to cook, try new recipes, and drink a nice Riesling while he was at it.
That’s the thing about a disco ball. Its surface consists of hundreds or thousands of facets, nearly all of approximately the same shape and size, and each has a mirrored surface. Those mirrored surfaces reflect bright light on anyone admiring it. For dad, that is what I see looking out here today. I see him…in all of us.
Dad used to tell me, “I don’t worry about you too much. You remind of my mom. A small but mighty person.” I always found that to be a little special secret between us. Something I was…and still am…proud of.
But you know what Dad, Doug often says I am like a disco ball…with many facets…so I can only hope my reflection is half as bright as yours."
Anita Romano uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, May 23, 2024


Mark Johnson posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Joe (Pops) and I were able to share in many commonalities. We discussed many road building experiences and other civil engineering endeavors, as I did have the experience of working with a survey crew for an engineering firm years ago.
We shared hunting experiences, though mine did dwarf when compared to his. But, nonetheless, it was something we both treasured.
He knew I enjoyed grilling and bought me many cookbooks to enjoy the many dishes I had shared with him. He also bought me many shirts reflecting grilling, cooking, and gardening. He shared a love of having a garden at his home. His only nemesis was woodchucks in his gardens.
Mine was and is moles. So the damn critters gave and give us both issues.
His most recent cousine endeavors were different salads. One word to describe....delicious!
I purchased Alaskan smoked king salmon for his and mom's annual stay with us (Anita and my) home during Christmas and a few months after this year. One of his last salads before departing for Binghamton was a smoked salmon salad. Funny, he felt a little guilty about using it for the salad, but I told him that that's what it was there for
(e.g. for all to enjoy).
I am so happy to have shared time with Pops, as I didn't get that pleasure to share with my own father in his retirement. My father was taken suddenly from my family when I was in my 20s.
As I know, Pops wouldn't have wanted anyone to wallow in pain and sorrow over his passing. So, I end with a simple toast. Here's to life and to lead a life full of joy and family!
Lynette Bertelmann uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, May 22, 2024




Lyn Bertelmann uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 21, 2024



Mike Lewis uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 21, 2024




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Mike Lewis uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 20, 2024




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Mike Lewis posted a condolence
Monday, May 20, 2024
Joe you left us all too soon, you lived a good life and put up the good fight, you will be missed. If I ever find myself shitting in the woods I'll be thinking of you and hoping I don't topple over with laughter.
To Fran and the FMG so sorry for your loss my thoughts are with you all.
Victoria Romano uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, May 18, 2024

My biggest supporter, i love you gramp❤️
Danielle Durange posted a condolence
Saturday, May 18, 2024
I'll always remember Joe (I called him dad too) beaming when he went for walks with Fran, watching Fred and Ace rolling around on the carpet, enjoying the company of his daughters and grandkids.
When he was doing his puzzles he always seemed so peaceful yet determined to finish each one.
He told me stories about his early days, his home and job. I really enjoyed hearing about his life.
Everytime Joe and Fran came to visit his girls (Anita my friend) for a few months, I felt blessed to be around "dad".
It's obvious the girls adored him and that he cherished every minute he has with them.
I could also see how much he loved Fran and enjoyed every second he spent with her.
Sending mighty prayers and love to Joe's family. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
-- Danielle Durange
Mike and Sandy Introvatolo posted a condolence
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Mike and I send our condolences to you, Fran and your entire family. Joe was such a great man. I loved hearing his stories whenever we got together. The last time we saw you and him was your wedding anniversary dinner in Conklin. It was so great to see the entire family. Prayers are with you.
Lyn Bertelmann uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, May 18, 2024

We love you, Pop!
The family of Joseph G. Gdovin uploaded a photo
Friday, May 17, 2024

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A Memorial Tree was planted for Joseph Gdovin
Friday, May 17, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at J A McCormack Sons Funeral Home Inc Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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